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Hello beautiful soul...

As a woman with immigrant roots & intercultural experiences, who has lived in different countries in the world, I have learned to value the power of getting to choose how we see ourselves & the importance of radiating that image so people are invited to tune into its frequency and meet us in that genuine nonjudgmental space. Allow me to guide you on this art of crafting a life that mirrors your soul.

My Story

I’m a highly vibrant, energetic, passionate & purposeful person. I bring my high energy, enthusiasm, zest for life, sense of humour along with my knowledge, experience & intuition. I have a large heart for service that surpasses nationalities, religions, cultures, languages and personal beliefs. But I wasn’t always like this. Allow me to share with you the highlights of my story.

I’m a Christian Palestinian woman, happily married since 2000, mother of two sons and living in Austria since 2010.

Born in Jerusalem & raised in Bethlehem, living under occupation, being conditioned by a strong collective consciousness that values loyalty over love, in a patriarchal culture, embedded in a highly historical, politically conflictual & religiously charged context…I grew up believing that’s who I am & if that’s the case, well then I was in serious trouble! However, I’ve always had that inner sense of reverence for life & the living & considered myself lucky, but luck defined in a spiritual context means “living in a state of grace”! And I can attest to that. It’s only by the grace of God or the Universe or Allah or Source or…..whatever you feel comfortable calling the DIVINE, that I have been able to keep re-wiring my brain, regulating my nervous system & re-orienting myself towards my soul identity, expanding & getting out of my comfort zone to upgrade my Being.

Living in different countries, traveling the world, learning to speak several languages, being exposed to various cultures, celebrating and mourning with fellow humans from different religions & ethnic backgrounds, working in the trauma & therapy field, renewing my marital vows, raising citizens of the world & lately learning the art of coaching using NLP , I have been blessed with the gift of constant transformation & continuous connection with the core of my being, the LOVE, the LIGHT, the LAW.

Our biography becomes our biology

when I first read learned this truth by my spiritual instructor Caroline Myss, I felt deep resonance with it. We experience the DIVINE through our bio-organic-ecological spirituality and co-create our reality by embodying the DIVINE laws in our lives cross- and inter-culturally, beyond religions & races, cultures & nationalities, but most importantly inwardly beyond our brain, our doctrines, our limiting beliefs and our trauma! From my own experience I have learned that this micro inner level houses our biggest challenges. Throughout my own healing journey, knowledge and experiences, I have learned to align the macro with the micro, my earth with my soul identity, expand my consciousness, and elevate my vibration. And just as a tree, I intuitively know my roots & where I stand, but I keep seeking the light where I could grow & branch out, flourish & bloom. That is an innate Divine code embedded in me and you, that we dive deep to uncover, activate & align with.

My Qualifications

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